How to Upgrade from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8

Your Title GoeRed Hat has announced the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0, which comes with GNOME 3.28 as the default desktop environment and runs on Wayland. This article describes instructions on how to upgrade from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 using the Leapp utility. If you’re looking for a fresh RHEL 8 installation, head over to our article: Installation of RHEL 8 with Screenshots Requirements An in-place upgrade to RHEL 8 is presently supported only on systems meeting the following requirements: RHEL 7.6 installed The Server variant The Intel 64 architecture At least 100MB of free space available on the boot partition (mounted at /boot). Preparing an RHEL 7 For The Upgrade 1. Make sure you are using RHEL 7.6 version, if you’re using RHEL version older than RHEL 7.6, you need to update your RHEL system to RHEL 7.6 version using following yum command. # yum update Update RHEL 7 System Update RHEL 7 System freestar Note: Make sure your RHEL 7 system has been successfully registered using the Red Hat Subscription Manager to enable system repositories and perform a full system update. 2. Make sure your RHEL 7 system has the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server subscription attached. If not, run the following commands to automatically assign the subscription to the system and verify the subscription. # subscription-manager attach --auto # subscription-manager list --installed Check RHEL Server Subscription Check RHEL Server Subscription 3. Now set the RHEL 7.6 version as a beginning point for the upgrade using the following command. # subscription-manager release --set 7.6 Set RHEL Release Upgrade Set RHEL Release Upgrade 4. If you have used yum-plugin-versionlock plug-in to lock packages to a specific version, make sure to remove the lock by running the following command. # yum versionlock clear 5. Update all software packages to the latest version and reboot the system. # yum update # reboot 6. Once system booted, make sure to enable the Extras repository for software package dependencies. # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms Enable Extras Repository on RHEL Enable Extras Repository on RHEL 7. Install the Leapp utility. # yum install leapp Install Leapp Tool in RHEL Install Leapp Tool in RHEL 8. Now download additional required data files, which is required by the Leapp utility for a successful upgrade from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 and place them in the /etc/leapp/files/ directory. # cd /etc/leapp/files/ # wget # tar -xf leapp-data3.tar.gz # rm leapp-data3.tar.gz Download Files for Leapp Download Files for Leapps Here